[A] Increase Your Wealth with One-Minute Lessons {CLICK THE RED LINKS} You will need a TikTok account to access.

Lesson One: How to Use this Channel

Lesson Two: Name an Employer Better than the market?

Lesson Three: Start by Paying Yourself First, then Growing that into wealth

Lesson Four: You are the Economy. It is not difficult. You can Trade Too


[B] Try My Tools to Aid your Quest and Understanding of Economics

Lesson One: Jacko’s Up-Down Chart

Lesson Two: You or Some may Recall the Original Hand Chart, Here is the Excel Version of the Chart

Lesson Three: Explanation of America’s Macroeconomic Excel Chart: A Run Down By Year

Lesson Four: America’s Macroeconomic Excel Chart: A Run Down By Year

Lesson Five: More on Explanation of America’s Macroeconomic Excel Chart: A Run Down By Year

Lesson Six: Even More on Explanation of America’s Macroeconomic Excel Chart: A Run Down By Year

Lesson Seven: America’s Macroeconomic Chart Explained: Across the Top first

Lesson Eight: America’s Macroeconomic Chart Explained: Across the Top Second

Lesson Nine: America’s Macroeconomic Chart Explained: Across the Top Third

Lesson Ten: America’s Macroeconomic Chart Explained: Across the Top Fourth

Lesson Eleven: America’s Macroeconomic Chart Explained: Across the Top Fifth

Lesson Twelve: America’s Macroeconomic Chart Explained: Across the Top Sixth

Lesson Thirteen: America’s Macroeconomic Chart Explained: Up-Down

Lesson Fourteen: America’s Macroeconomic Chart Explained: Up-Down Second

Lesson Fifteen: To Access the Excel Sheet Click Here: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA PROGRESS REPORT.xlsx


[C] Meet the various Markets and Concepts surrounding Trading

Lesson One: The Rule of 72 – Doubling Your Money

Lesson Two: The Bears vs the Bulls, They Keep the Market Honest

Lesson Three: Asset come in Three classes

Lesson Four: The Capital markets

Lesson Five: The Emerging Market or International Markets

Lesson Six: What to Buy and How to Pair Investments up to Hedge Positions

Lesson Seven: What kind of Growth Various Assets Classes enjoyed

Lesson Eight: The Pecking Order from least Risky Asset class to most

Lesson Nine: The Asset classes, What they are

Lesson Ten: The Market Where to Go To Trade

Lesson Eleven: Labor Powers the Markets

Lesson Twelve: Derivatives markets, Futures and Options

Lesson Thirteen: Margins variances Between the different markets

Lesson Fourteen: The Futures Market  set the tempo for the Balance of the Market

Lesson Fifteen: Option Market

Lesson Sixteen: Why Trading the Options market

Lesson Seventeen: Who Trades the Options Market and Why

Lesson Eighteen: More on Trading the Options market

Lesson Nineteen: Trading the ForEx market


[D] Regarding Investing in stocks and Bonds (Prepare with Macroeconomics first)

Lesson One: Your Wealth Only grows if you Invest your Labor (capital) in the Market

Lesson Two: Where to Open my Account

Lesson Three: More on Where to Open my Account

Lesson Four: Organize yourself and space

Lesson Five: Get your Head and Heart Straight Before Jumping in

Lesson Six: Even the Bible says Invest

Lesson Seven: Here is the Kind of Money You can make

Lesson Eight: Get a Read on the Direction of the Market

Lesson Nine: Who else to watch for Direction of the Market

Lesson Ten: Whose Words can Raise or lower the Market Instantly

Lesson Eleven: When to buy and How to chose what Stocks to Buy

Lesson Twelve: Keep in Mind Consumers and How We Reason

Lesson Thirteen: What Drives Us to Buy and Sell

Lesson Fourteen: Why Jump In? Here is the Kind of Money You Stand to make

Lesson Fifteen: More on Why Jump In? Here is the Kind of Money You Stand to make

Lesson Sixteen: Some Definitions Risk -On Risk-Off

Lesson Seventeen: Manage Risk By Managing Your Investment Portfolio

Lesson Eighteen: More on Managing Risk comes down to Managing Your Portfolio

Lesson Nineteen: One Way How Fiscal Policy Impact Stock Prices


[E] What Type of Trader are you

Lesson One: There are two Approaches To Trading Which Are You?

Lesson Two: You will Need to Figure out What Type of Trade are You

Lesson Three: What Kind of Trade Are You? Day, Swing or Value Trader?

Lesson Four: Three Types of Traders

Lesson Five: More on What Kind of Trade Are You

Lesson Six: From Day Traders to Value Traders Find Your Style


[F] Regarding Charting, Reading Charts to Mitigate Risk

Lesson One: All Markets Use the Same Charting Dynamics

Lesson Two: Use Free Charts like Yahoo Finance Charts Dails, Weekly, Monthly Etc.

Lesson Three: What A Month Chart

Lesson Four: What A  Day Chart and the 5-Day Chart

Lesson Five: Reading Support and Resistance Off Charts

Lesson Six: Issue’s Trading Range

Lesson Seven: The 30-Day Moving Average and the Cup and Handle vs Break-outs

Lesson Eight: More on An Issue’s Support v Resistance


[G] Timing and the Market

Lesson One: Central to Timing is the Cycle. There are Two: The Business cycle and the Inflation cycle

Lesson Two: Trade with the Pay-Outs timed to Goals

Lesson Three: What We will Cover With Regards to Trade Timing

Lesson Four: Recessions? Are we at the Bottom? Best time to Buy

Lesson Five: What we will cover in Timing

Lesson Six: Triple Witching Hour

Lesson Seven: What Month is Best or Worst plus Earning Season

Lesson Eight: When to Buy or Sell Within the Year

Lesson Nine: When to Buy or Sell Within the Month

Lesson Ten: When to Buy or Sell Within the Week

Lesson Eleven: More on During the Week

Lesson Twelve: Best time to Trade within Any Day


[H] Conducting the Research leading up to your Trades

Lesson One: Start with the Governments Macro Reports

Lesson Two: Going LONG (Buying)

Lesson Three: Stock Listed Carry a Beta Value

Lesson Four: Keep an Eye on what is going on in the Money Markets

Lesson Five: More on Why to Keep an Eye on what is going on in the Money Markets


[I] Conducting the Trading

Lesson One: How to Trade

Lesson Two: Remember the Objective

Lesson Three: Trade with Market Definition and Momentum

Lesson Four: What signals the Direct of the Market

Lesson Five: Trade with Limits and Stops

Lesson Six: Trade with an Anchor and Trigger Chart

Lesson Seven: Get a Read on the Market, Consult the Money Market and Options market


[J] Regarding Risk

Lesson One: The Pecking Order from least Risky Asset class to most

Lesson Two: About Managing Risk

Lesson Three: Managing Risk comes down to Managing Your Portfolio

Lesson Four: Why Jump In? Here is the Kind of Money You Stand to make

Lesson Five: Here is the Kind of Money You Stand to make by Market

Lesson Six: What is wagered or stand to be risk


[K] Regarding Volatility

Lesson One: Define Volatility

Lesson Two: Volatility v Liquidity

Lesson Three: More on Define Volatility


[L] Regarding Liquidity

Lesson One: Volatility v Liquidity

Lesson Two: What determines Liquidity

Lesson Three: What is Liquidity


[M] Show Me the Money

Lesson One: Going Long on Stock

Lesson Two: More on Going Long on Stock

Lesson Three: Short Selling, or Shorting a Stock Remember GameStop?

Lesson Four: Going Long versus Buying the Option

Lesson Five: Buying a Call

Lesson Six: The Five Strategies using Derivatives -Options

Lesson Seven: The Long Call v Long Puts Option

Lesson Eight: The Long Call Option

Lesson Nine: Up-side on the 90-10 Long Call

Lesson Ten: Down-side on the 90-10 Long Call

Lesson Eleven: Using an Option to Hedge a Long

Lesson Twelve: A Call to Hedge a Short

Lesson Thirteen: Selling an At-The-Money Call

Lesson Fourteen: Selling an In-The-Money Call

Lesson Fifteen: Uncovered Call aka Naked Option

Lesson Sixteen: Out of the Money Call

Lesson Seventeen: Buying a Put a cheap way to Short a Stock

Lesson Eighteen: A Married Put- Where you Protect Long Position by Selling a Put

Lesson Nineteen: A Married Put- Where you Protect Long Position by Selling a Put

Lesson Twenty: On a Covered Puts assumes a Bear market

Lesson Twenty-One: On Selling a Covered Puts

Lesson Twenty-Two: On Selling an Uncovered Puts


[N] Regarding Macroeconomics

Lesson One: It Starts with Adman Smith a Free Capital based Market

Lesson Two: But it was the French Revolution that ended Feudalism

Lesson Three: The Two Main schools of Economic Thoughts, Keynesian v Monetarist

Lesson Four: The Dollar Ties the Planet’s financial Markets together, the World Reserve Currency

Lesson Five: How Our Economy Works

Lesson Six: How Our Economy Works in Expansionary Periods

Lesson Seven: How Our Economy Works in Contraction or Recessionary Periods

Lesson Eight: Inflation, A Dance between Supply and Demand

Lesson Nine: Supply – Demand Curve and the Concept of Price Elasticity

Lesson Ten: What Drives the Economy

Lesson Eleven: Big or rather Old Money Drives the Economy providing Liquidity (Cash)

Lesson Twelve: National Debt to GDP is crucial, and Budget Deficits add to the Debt

Lesson Thirteen: Federal Budget, Budget Deficit v Debt

Lesson Fourteen: How the Fed.s Impact Markets using Interest Rates & Fractional Reserves

Lesson Fifteen: The Three Indices Used to Regulate Market, CPI, GDP and Unemployment

Lesson Sixteen: The Major Indices Monitored to gauge future Economic Activity

Lesson Seventeen: Three Reports You need to Monitor

Lesson Eighteen: The CPI Report hekp with Gauging Inflation

Lesson Nineteen: The Phillips Curve using Unemployment to regulate Inflation

Lesson Twenty: What Powers Earth Economy

Lesson Twenty-One: In Modernity Our Economy Our Lives Pivot on Managing Debt

Lesson Twenty-Two: GDP what it is and How Growth can Bring on Inflation

Lesson Twenty-Three: Why it matters and how for example one part is connected to all

Lesson Twenty-Four: Monetary Policy versus Fiscal Policy

Lesson Twenty-Five: How FIscal Policy Impact You

Lesson Twenty-Six: The Leading Economic Theories and the People Behind them

Lesson Twenty-Seven: Keep an eye on these Leading Economists

Lesson Twenty-Eight: Also Follow the World Bank

Lesson Twenty-Nine: The Role Banks and the Exchanges Play in the Economy

Lesson Thirty: Whose Words can Raise or lower the Market Instantly

Lesson Thirty-One: More People You Must keep an Eye On

Lesson Thirty-Two: Bonds are Central to Business

Lesson Thirty-Three: How Cheap Money and Protectionist Policies Drove us into the Great Depression

Lesson Thirty-Four: More Key Definitions and how they impact the markets

Lesson Thirty-Five: Definitions Stagflation v Deflati0n

Lesson Thirty-Six: Recessions v Depressions and how we get there

Lesson Thirty-Seven: What tends to trigger Recessions

Lesson Thirty-Eight: More on What tends to trigger Recessions

Lesson Thirty-Nine: Even More on What tends to trigger Recessions

Lesson Forty: Growth Must be managed in order to Avoid Recessions

Lesson Forty-One: Shocks the Markets and How it Impact Other Areas

Lesson Forty-Two: The Markets drives the Economy

Lesson Forty-Three: Supply-Side Disruptions Continue to Keep Inflation a threat

Lesson Forty-Four: Macroeconomics relies on Microeconomics which relies on Nanoeconomics

Lesson Forty-Five: What Signals a Depression on or rather The Characteristics of a Depression

Lesson Forty-Six: More on Characteristics of a Depression

Lesson Forty-Seven: The Great Depression, World Worst Recession, What caused it

Lesson Forty-Eight: But the Policies the President Implements can and does affect us, take the Great Depression

Lesson Forty-Nine: Congress Passed Fiscal Policies during the Great Depression

Lesson Fifty: Congress Passed Protectionist Policies pushing us into the Depression

Lesson Fifty-One: The Federal Reserve Bank and how it Impacts the market

Lesson Fifty-Two: The Fed’s, Banks and Interest Rates

Lesson Fifty-Three: Fed’s Super Low Rate Does Elevate Economic Activity

Lesson Fifty-Four: Cash in the Circulation is what Primes the Economy

Lesson Fifty-Five: Define the National Debt to GDP vs Deficit

Lesson Fifty-Six: When gauging Our Dilemma Consider the Debt to GDP and Deficit to GDP  Ratios

Lesson Fifty-Seven: Central to Timing is the Cycle. There are Two: The Business cycle and the Inflation cycle

Lesson Fifty-Eight: The Business Cycle

Lesson Fifty-Nine: How Business Use Money and how the Business elements come together

Lesson Sixty: What it Looks like as we are in Growth

Lesson Sixty-One: What Signals a Recession

Lesson Sixty-TwoWhat to Look out for as We slide into A Recession

Lesson Sixty-Three: What it Looks like as we Enter a Recession

Lesson Sixty-Four: What Happens as we Enter a Recession

Lesson Sixty-Five: Show Me the Money As Economy slides into Recessions

Lesson Sixty-Six: The Congress Established the Federal Reserves to be a Lender of Last Resort

Lesson Sixty-Seven: How the Fed’s regulate the Economy?

Lesson Sixty-Eight: Fed’s Game Plan for Reviving A Stalled Economy

Lesson Sixty-Nine: We (the USA) can Eliminate Recession using Migration

Lesson Seventy: Growth Must be managed in order to Avoid Recessions

Lesson Seventy-One: Expansionary Periods Are Often Precipitated By Government Direct Investments

Lesson Seventy-Two: The Primary Rate, The Fed’s go-to Tool for Regulated the Economy

Lesson Seventy-Three: Rising Budget Deficits increases Interest Rates which pulls down Economic Activity

Lesson Seventy-Four: What Conditions Serves Business?

Lesson Seventy-Five: Government Budget & Taxation, Cut our Personal Tax burden by adding more Tax-payers

Lesson Seventy-Six: As Businesses Cut their Cuts the burden shifts to Individuals curtailing spending

Lesson Seventy-Seven: The share of the Taxes burden has shifted to Individuals since in 1060’s

Lesson Seventy-Eight: If Consumers are not spending, Businesses will tank pulling down banks

Lesson Seventy-Nine: Banks should not be Buying houses, it caused us to Compete with who We borrow from

Lesson Eighty: The Fed Fund Rate and Its Impact

Lesson Eighty-One: Growth Comes from Labor, the spending as well as actually doing the Work


[O] Regarding Inflation

Lesson One: Define Inflation

Lesson Two: About Inflation

Lesson Three: The CPI Report help with Gauging Inflation

Lesson Four: Inflation Impact over time

Lesson Five: Central to Timing is the Cycle. There are Two: The Business cycle and the Inflation cycle

Lesson Six: Definitions Stagflation v Deflati0n

Lesson Seven: Inflation noted the CPI and the Impact of Climbing Prices

Lesson Eight: What the Fed’s are Tasked with Doing to manage the Economy

Lesson Nine: Growth Must be managed in order to Avoid Recessions

Lesson Ten: Rising Budget Deficits increases Interest Rates which pulls down Economic Activity

Lesson Eleven: The Phillips Curve using Unemployment to regulate Inflation


[P] Regarding Recessions

Lesson One: The Definition of a Recession

Lesson Two: More on the Definition of a Recession

Lesson Three: More Key Definitions and how they impact the markets

Lesson Four: What Signals a Recession

Lesson Five: What to Look out for as We slide into A Recession

Lesson Six: Inflation, the CPI What Triggers it and the Cycle it starts

Lesson Seven: What Signals a Depression or rather The Characteristics of a Depression

Lesson Eight: More on Characteristics of a Depression

Lesson Nine: The Great Depression, World Worst Recession, What caused it

Lesson Ten: But the Policies the President Implements can and does affect us, take the Great Depression

Lesson Eleven: Why we need rid Recession – the human suffering

Lesson Twelve: The Business Cycle

Lesson Thirteen: If Consumers are not spending, Businesses will tank pulling down banks

Lesson Fourteen: The Spiraling into Recession and Role Banks and Businesses Play

Lesson Fifteen: What it Looks like Once Out of Recession

Lesson Sixteen: What Recessions? Where were they? What happens?

Lesson Seventeen: What Happens as we Enter a Recession

Lesson Eighteen: What it Looks like as we Enter a Recession

Lesson Nineteen: What tends to trigger Recessions

Lesson Twenty: More on What tends to trigger Recessions

Lesson Twenty-One: Even More on What tends to trigger Recessions

Lesson Twenty-Two: Show Me the Money As Economy slides into Recessions

Lesson Twenty-Three: Rates direct the Dollar and can influences Recessions via Exports

Lesson Twenty-Four: How the Fed’s regulate the Economy?

Lesson Twenty-Five: Fed Raising Rates Trigger Recessions

Lesson Twenty-Six: GOP tend to Reign over Recessions

Lesson Twenty-Seven: The Fed’s manage Recessions by Lay-offs caused by Rising Interest

Lesson Twenty-Eight: How the Fed’s raising Rates Impact Recessions

Lesson Twenty-Nine: Fed’s Game Plan for Reviving A Stalled Economy

Lesson Thirty: We (the USA) can Eliminate Recession using Migration

Lesson Thirty-One: How ti Increase Economic Growth without Increasing Inflation? Productivity

Lesson Thirty-Two: Recent Recessions

Lesson Thirty-Three: On 2007 Recent Recessions

Lesson Thirty-Four: On 2001 Recent Recessions

Lesson Thirty-Five: More On 2001 Recent Recessions

Lesson Thirty-Six: On 1973 Recent Recessions

Lesson Thirty-Seven: On 1969 Recent Recessions

Lesson Thirty-Eight: On 1960 Recent Recessions

Lesson Thirty-Nine: On 1958 Recent Recessions

Lesson Forty: On 1953 Recent Recessions

Lesson Forty-One: On 1949 Recent Recessions

Lesson Forty-Two: On 1945 Recent Recessions

Lesson Forty-Three: On 1937 Recent Recessions

Lesson Forty-Four: On 1934 Recent Recessions

Lesson Forty-Five: On 1932 Recent Recessions

Lesson Forty-Six: On 1929 Recent Recessions

Lesson Forty-Seven: What We American did in 1929, The Great Depression Started


[Q] The Federal Reserve Bank (Our Central Bank) They execute Monetary Policy

Lesson One: What the Fed’s are Tasked with Doing to manage the Economy

Lesson Two: The Federal Reserve Bank and how it Impacts the market

Lesson Three: The Fed’s Banks and Interest Rates

Lesson Four: How the Fed’s Impact the Markets using Interest Rates and Fractional Reserves Requirements

Lesson Five: Rising Budget Deficits increases Interest Rates which pulls down Economic Activity

Lesson Six: The Primary Rate, The Fed’s go-to Tool for Regulated the Economy

Lesson Seven: Bonds are Central to Business

Lesson Eight: Growth Must be managed in order to Avoid Recessions

Lesson Nine: Fed’s Game Plan for Reviving A Stalled Economy

Lesson Ten: Quantum Easing QE, a Gift from JFK 


[R] The Dollar [Our Currency)

Lesson One: The US Dollar the World Gave Americans

Lesson Two: The US Dollar the World’s Reserve Currency

Lesson Three: The Dollar Ties the Planet’s financial Markets together, the World Reserve Currency

Lesson Four: Why We HAD TO get Off the Gold Standard

Lesson Five: The Yield Curye influences the Dollar

Lesson Six: Bonds are Central to Business

Lesson Seven: Rising Budget Deficits and Interest Rates drive the Dollar Higher

Lesson Eight: On Egypt’s Need to Devalue Its Currency

Lesson Nine: Why A Country like for Example Egypt’s Needed to Devalue Its Currency

Lesson Ten: More on Why Egypt Needed to Devalue Its Currency

Lesson Eleven: Egypt’s Need to Devalue Its Currency

Lesson Twelve: On the Impact of Egypt’s Need to Devalue Its Currency

Lesson Thirteen: More On the Impact of Egypt’s Need to Devalue Its Currency

Lesson Fourteen: Dynamics following Egypt’s Devaluation

Lesson Fifteen: Egypt’s Macroeconomics Driving Devaluation


[S] Regarding The Yield Curve

Lesson One: The Yield Curve, what is its

Lesson Two: More on the Yield Curve, what is its

Lesson Three: The Inverted Yield Curve

Lesson Four: Bonds are Central to Business

Lesson Five: The Fed’s Plan Rates

Lesson Six: What is the Yield Curye

Lesson Seven: What determines Rate

Lesson Eight: What determines the Yield Curve, The Spread Between Bids and Asks

Lesson Nine: Banks should not be Buying houses, it caused us to Compete with who We borrow from

Lesson Ten: The Fed Fund Rate and Its Impact

Lesson Eleven: Why the Yield Curve Matters

Lesson Twelve: How the Fed’s regulate the Economy?

Lesson Thirteen: Rising Budget Deficits increases Interest Rates which pulls down Economic Activity


[T] Fiscal Policy (Laws) and Taxation

Lesson One: Federal Government levy Taxes and Why

Lesson Two: Federal Corporations Share of the Paying for Government

Lesson Three: Government Budgets and Taxation, Cut our Personal Tax burden by adding more Tax-payers

Lesson Four: Federal Budget, Budget Deficit to Debt

Lesson Five: Federal Budget v national Debt

Lesson Six: Federal Budget Process

Lesson Seven: More on the Federal Budget Process

Lesson Eight: Where Deficits Come From Why US Must Sell Bonds

Lesson Nine: Why we need Government

Lesson Ten: Why Congress Have had to Regulate Markets

Lesson Eleven: The Impact Government can have on Our Wealth

Lesson Twelve: Why We need Government

Lesson Thirteen: More on Why We need Government

Lesson Fourteen: Example of Why We Need Government

Lesson Fifteen: Why We need Representative Government

Lesson Sixteen: How Cheap Money and Protectionist Policies Drove us into the Great Depression

Lesson Seventeen: Congress Passed Protectionist Policies pushing us into the Depression

Lesson Eighteen: Expansionary Periods Are Often Precipitated By Government Direct Investments

Lesson Nineteen: Government Budgets and Taxation, Cut our Personal Tax burden by adding more Tax-payers

Lesson Twenty: As Businesses Cut their Cuts the burden shifts to Individuals curtailing spending

Lesson Twenty-One: Our Businesses must compete with Socialist Countries why they Lobby Government

Lesson Twenty-Two: The share of the Taxes burden has shifted to Individuals since in 1060’s

Lesson Twenty-Three: If Consumers are not spending, Businesses will tank pulling down banks

Lesson Twenty-Four: Rising Budget Deficits increases Interest Rates which pulls down Economic Activity

Lesson Twenty-Five: Impact of Government on the State and Local side

Lesson Twenty-Six: Example of Impact of Government on the State and Local side

Lesson Twenty-Seven: More Example of Impact of Government on the State and Local side


[U] Regarding Bonds

Lesson One: Bonds are Central to Business

Lesson Two: What are Bonds o US Treasuries

Lesson Three: Bonds and their Interest Rates

Lesson Four: When the Issues are Offered and how to Determine Pricing on US Treasuries

Lesson Five: How to buy Bonds

Lesson Six: The Classification of Bonds

Lesson Seven: The Kind of Bonds offered and the rate on Ten Year influence on Markets


[V] Regarding Stocks

Lesson One: Types of Traders, Technical vs Fundamental Traders

Lesson Two: Fundamental Traders

Lesson Three: More on Fundamental Traders

Lesson Four: What to Flush out as our Fundamental Analysis

Lesson Five: Pure Play Issues vs Diversified along with the Ten Sectors

Lesson Six: How to Calculate the P/E Ratio and What it is

Lesson Seven: Growth Stocks vs Income Stocks

Lesson Eight: Short Selling, or Shorting a Stock


[W] Regarding Futures Contracts

Lesson One: Future vs a Forward Contract

Lesson Two: Who Uses Future Markets and Why

Lesson Three: Future set the tempo for the Balance of the Market

Lesson Four: How the Futures Market impact and set the tempo for the Balance of the Market

Lesson Five: How the Futures Contracts Work


[X] Regarding Derivatives – Options Markets (Calls and Puts)

Lesson One: Option Market

Lesson Two: Selling Put Option

Lesson Three: How does Derivative Put Options work

Lesson Four: Why Trading the Options market

Lesson Five: Why Invest in Options Calls and Put

Lesson Six: Trading the Options market

Lesson Seven: Trading the Options market

Lesson Eight: Selling Short Puts and Calls

Lesson Nine: Why Invest in Options Calls and Put

Lesson Ten: How you make Money in Options

Lesson Eleven: Options-Buying Calls and Puts

Lesson Twelve: Buying and Selling Options

Lesson Thirteen: Putting in The Trade

Lesson Fourteen: Putting on the trade, your Position and the market determines your position


[Y] Regarding Money Markets

Lesson One: Remember What Powers Earth Economy

Lesson Two: The Yield Curve Fuels the Market

Lesson Three: What is the Money Market?

Lesson Four: This Market, the Money Market, is an Arbitrage Accounts

Lesson Five: In Down Markets, Money Hides In the Money Market


[Z] Regarding Foreign Exchange (ForEx) Market

Lesson One: What is the Benefits for Trading in this market

Lesson Two: Why ForEx?

Lesson Three: What is Trading ForEx


[AA] Labor

Lesson One: Growth Comes from Labor, the spending as well as actually doing the Work

Lesson Two: Your Wealth Only grows if you Invest your Labor (capital) in the Market

Lesson Three: Where or How the Market Acquires Value 

Lesson Four: The Market is a collection of our labor

Lesson Five: All the Cash is our Labor captured in Trade-able Instruments


[AB] Regarding Microeconomics (the forces at play with any business)

Lesson One: Business Dynamics and Credit

Lesson Two: Supply – Demand Curve and the Concept of Price Elasticity

Lesson Three: Business Phases Across the Lifespan of the Company

Lesson Four: Central to Timing is the Cycle. There are Two: The Business cycle and the Inflation cycle

Lesson Five: How Our Economy Works in Expansionary Periods

Lesson Six: How Our Economy Works in Contraction or Recessionary Periods

Lesson Seven: What is Business? How does it Work, driving the  Economy

Lesson Eight: How to Increase Economic Growth without Increasing Inflation? Productivity

Lesson Nine: How Business Use Money and how the Business elements come together

Lesson Ten: The Business Cycle

Lesson Eleven: How Business Works What triggers What

Lesson Twelve: More on How Business Works What triggers What

Lesson Thirteen: Even More on How Business Works What triggers What

Lesson Fourteen: More Even on How Business Works What triggers What

Lesson Fifteen: How Our Economy Works

Lesson Sixteen: Growth Comes from Labor, the spending as well as actually doing the Work

Lesson Seventeen: What Conditions Serves Business?

Lesson Eighteen: Mismanagement Has Consequences

Lesson Nineteen: What it Looks like Ahead of a Recession

Lesson Twenty: What Happens as we Enter a Recession

Lesson Twenty-One: Impact on Businesses as Economy slides into Recessions

Lesson Twenty-Two: What it Looks like as we Enter a Recession

Lesson Twenty-Three: What to Look out for as We slide into A Recession

Lesson Twenty-Four: Recession are best read by Noting Earning Forecast Restated

Lesson Twenty-Five: Our Businesses Competes with Manufacturers Whose Governments pay Healthcare

Lesson Twenty-Six: Our Businesses must compete with Socialist Countries why they Lobby Government

Lesson Twenty-Seven: Costs Inside Businesses that Lends to Inflation


[AC] Regarding Nanoeconomics (the forces that business banks on)

Lesson One: Nanoeconomics is the Back St As Micro is to Main st and Macro is to Wall St

Lesson Two: Nanoeconomics, the Primary or Base Unit in the market

Lesson Three: Define Nanoeconomics, the Primary or Base Unit in the market

Lesson Four: Why Nanoeconomics serves us, the Market

Lesson Five: What Nanoeconomics Promises, A Recession Proof Economy Given How Dialed In the Market is

Lesson Six: Wages Will not Keep Pace, You Must Invest to Earn More Income, else plan on suffering

Lesson Seven: Where the Money to Grow your Wealth comes from

Lesson Eight: How You will Make the Money Grow your Wealth

Lesson Nine: Where You go to Make the Money Used to Grow your Wealth

Lesson Ten: Fiscal Policy (Taxes) must Help not Hurt Us, That is not Good for the Economy

Lesson Eleven: To Keep and Maintain this Awesome Country, Pay Your Taxes

Lesson Twelve: We Need Banks, They Facilitate the Trade and Access to our Labor in Tradeable Instruments


[AD] The Impact of choose the right President [POTUS]

Lesson One: The President Does Not Control Inflation

Lesson Two: More on the President Does Not Control Inflation

Lesson Three: But the Policies the President Implements can and does affect us, take the Great Depression

Lesson Four: Why we need to Vote? To rid Recession – the human suffering

Lesson Five: Quantum Easing QE, a Gift from JFK

Lesson Six: JFK an Example of electing the Right Leader

Lesson Seven: More on why JFK an Example of electing the Right Leader 

Lesson Eight: JFK policies that Helped Americans

Lesson Nine: More on JFK policies that Helped Americans 


[AE] Our American Politics

Lesson One: We Have the Most Blessed Country on Earth, America, Earth’s Guardians

Lesson Two: We are Electors of this Corporation

Lesson Three: The GOP has a Math Problem

Lesson Four: It is about Money, Why Business is a Willing Party

Lesson Five: The GOP strategy Cut Tax Seduce Votes

Lesson Six: Who Votes In America and Why we are in a Mess


[AF] How to Use the Chart Profiling America’s Macroeconomics by Year

Lesson One: You or Some may Recall the Original Hand Chart

Lesson Fifteen: To Access the Excel Sheet Click Here: UNITED STATES OF AMERICA PROGRESS REPORT.xlsx

Lesson Two: Explanation of America’s Macroeconomic Excel Chart: A Run Down By Year

Lesson Three: America’s Macroeconomic Excel Chart: A Run Down By Year

Lesson Four: More on Explanation of America’s Macroeconomic Excel Chart: A Run Down By Year

Lesson Five: Even More on Explanation of America’s Macroeconomic Excel Chart: A Run Down By Year

Lesson Six: You or Some may Recall the Original Hand Chart, Here is the Excel Version of the Chart

Lesson Seven: America’s Macroeconomic Chart Explained: Across the Top first

Lesson Eight: America’s Macroeconomic Chart Explained: Across the Top Second

Lesson Nine: America’s Macroeconomic Chart Explained: Across the Top Third

Lesson Ten: America’s Macroeconomic Chart Explained: Across the Top Fourth

Lesson Eleven: America’s Macroeconomic Chart Explained: Across the Top Fifth

Lesson Twelve: America’s Macroeconomic Chart Explained: Across the Top Sixth

Lesson Thirteen: America’s Macroeconomic Chart Explained: Up -Down

Lesson Fourteen: America’s Macroeconomic Chart Explained: Up -Down Second


[AG] A March Through Each Year Of our America’s Journey

Lesson One: In this section We review what our leaders have done

Lesson Two: We are Electors of this Corporation

Lesson Three: What We Americans did in 1919

Lesson Four: What We Americans did in 1920

Lesson Five: What We Americans did in 1921

Lesson Six: What We Americans did in 1922

Lesson Seven: What We Americans did in 1923

Lesson Eight: What We Americans did in 1924

Lesson Nine: What We Americans did in 1925

Lesson Ten: What We Americans did in 1926

Lesson Eleven: What We Americans did in 1927

Lesson Twelve: What We Americans did in 1928

Lesson Thirteen: What We Americans did in 1929

Lesson Fourteen: What We Americans did in 1930

Lesson Fifteen: What We Americans did in 1931

Lesson Sixteen: What We Americans did in 1932

Lesson Seventeen: What We Americans did in 1933

Lesson Eighteen: What We Americans did in 1934

Lesson Nineteen: What We Americans did in 1935

Lesson Twenty: What We Americans did in 1936

Lesson Twenty-One: What We Americans did in 1937

Lesson Twenty-Two: What We Americans did in 1938

Lesson Twenty-Three: What We Americans did in 1939

Lesson Twenty-Four: What We Americans did in 1939

Lesson Twenty-Five: What We Americans did in 1940

Lesson Twenty-Six: What We Americans did in 1941

Lesson Twenty-Seven: What We Americans did in 1942

Lesson Twenty-Eight: What We Americans did in 1943

Lesson Twenty-Nine: What We Americans did in 1944

Lesson Thirty: What We Americans did in 1945

Lesson Thirty-One: What We Americans did in 1946

Lesson Thirty-Two: What We Americans did in 1947

Lesson Thirty-Three: What We Americans did in 1948

Lesson Thirty-Four: What We Americans did in 1949

Lesson Thirty-Five: What We Americans did in 1950

Lesson Thirty-Six: What We Americans did in 1951

Lesson Thirty-Seven: What We Americans did in 1952

Lesson Thirty-Eight: What We Americans did in 1953

Lesson Thirty-Nine: What We Americans did in 1954

Lesson Forty: What We Americans did in 1955

Lesson Forty-One: What We Americans did in 1956

Lesson Forty-Two: What We Americans did in 1957

Lesson Forty-Three: What We Americans did in 1958

Lesson Forty-Four: What We Americans did in 1959

Lesson Forty-Five: What We Americans did in 1960

Lesson Forty-Six: What We Americans did in 1961

Lesson Forty-Seven: What We Americans did in 1962

Lesson Forty-Eight: What We Americans did in 1963

Lesson Forty-Nine: What We Americans did in 1964

Lesson Fifty: What We Americans did in 1965

Lesson Fifty-One: What We Americans did in 1966

Lesson Fifty-Two: What We Americans did in 1967

Lesson Fifty-Three: What We Americans did in 1968

Lesson Fifty-Four: What We Americans did in 1969

Lesson Fifty-Five: What We Americans did in 1970

Lesson Fifty-Six: What We Americans did in 1971

Lesson Fifty-Seven: What We Americans did in 1972

Lesson Fifty-Eight: What We Americans did in 1973

Lesson Fifty-Nine: What We Americans did in 1974

Lesson Sixty: What We Americans did in 1975

Lesson Sixty-One: What We Americans did in 1976

Lesson Sixty-Two: What We Americans did in 1977

Lesson Sixty-Three: What We Americans did in 1978

Lesson Sixty-Four: What We Americans did in 1979

Lesson Sixty-Five: What We Americans did in 1980

Lesson Sixty-Six: What We Americans did in 1981

Lesson Sixty-Seven: What We Americans did in 1982

Lesson Sixty-Eight: What We Americans did in 1983

Lesson Sixty-Nine: What We Americans did in 1984

Lesson Seventy: What We Americans did in 1985

Lesson Seventy-One: What We Americans did in 1986

Lesson Seventy-Two: What We Americans did in 1987

Lesson Seventy-Three: What We Americans did in 1988

Lesson Seventy-Four: What We Americans did in 1989

Lesson Seventy-Six: What We Americans did in 1990

Lesson Seventy-Seven: What We Americans did in 1991

Lesson Seventy-Eight: What We Americans did in 1992

Lesson Seventy-Nine: What We Americans did in 1993

Lesson Eighty: What We Americans did in 1994

Lesson Eighty-One: What We Americans did in 1995

Lesson Eighty-Two: What We Americans did in 1996

Lesson Eighty-Three: What We Americans did in 1997

Lesson Eighty-Four: What We Americans did in 1998

Lesson Eighty-Five: What We Americans did in 1999

Lesson Eighty-Six: What We Americans did in 2000

Lesson Eighty-Seven: What We Americans did in 2001

Lesson Eighty-Eight: What We Americans did in 2002

Lesson Eighty-Nine: What We Americans did in 2003

Lesson Ninety: What We Americans did in 2004

Lesson Ninety-One: What We Americans did in 2005

Lesson Ninety-Two: What We Americans did in 2006

Lesson Ninety-Three: What We Americans did in 2007

Lesson Ninety-Four: What We Americans did in 2008

Lesson Ninety-Five: What We Americans did in 2009

Lesson Ninety-Six: What We Americans did in 2010

Lesson Ninety-Seven: What We Americans did in 2011

Lesson Ninety-Eight: What We Americans did in 2012

Lesson Ninety-Nine: What We Americans did in 2013

Lesson One-Hundred: What We Americans did in 2014

Lesson One-Hundred-One: What We Americans did in 2015

Lesson One-Hundred-Two: What We Americans did in 2016

Lesson One-Hundred-Three: What We Americans did in 2017

Lesson One-Hundred-Three: What We Americans did in 2018

Lesson One-Hundred-Four: What We Americans did in 2019

Lesson One-Hundred-Five: What We Americans did in 2020

Lesson One-Hundred-Six: What We Americans did in 2021

Lesson One-Hundred-Seven: What We Americans did in 2022


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