

Enter once and done, print all financial plan schedules. Need updating? No problem, edit the data, and simply reprint the adjusted forecast.  It is as easy as that.



If you are contemplating going into business or recently launched, this is for you.  Or perhaps you know someone contemplating or new to business.  Enter your data once, and have it populated the Financial schedules.  Need to update figures?  Piece of cake.  Revise the figures in the model, and have it instantly adjust all schedules.

Failing to plan is a plan to fail.  That need not be your story.  Find here:

A comprehensive model, which allows you to flesh out minute details, to next have these detail automatically rolled up into a Budget, Monthly Cash Flow Statements, and Five Year Forecast, linked by Chart of Accounts, affording the ability to track spending by deploying the account numbers on invoicing and payments receipts.

Presented here are but an examples of key schedules in the excel model. To Get your FREE native excel model email us at

This model prompts you for data once, you customized according to your plan, using schedules that allow you to flush out the minute details eventually included in costs as well as revenues.  Those schedules inform others, ultimately resulting in an editable comprehensive plan.

Get the model FREE, but don’t miss out on the Introductory price, extended to the first 1,000.  Lifetime annual subscription price of $15, before we resume standard annual pricing of $54.  But still a far cry from the hundreds of dollars you would have to dole out to get these print-outs, and again if Heaven forbid, something changes in the assumptions.  Here, you are in full control of the reports, and can run what-if scenarios to one’s hearts delight, and watch the forecast.


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